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Bishop Speaks
October 18, 2001 Edition

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Bishop Bullock's column -- English
Artículo escrito por el Obispo Bullock
Bishop to offer teaching on variety of topics
Bishops' schedules
Bishop's letter
About Bishop Bullock

Bishops' Schedules:
Schedule of Bishop William H. Bullock

Wednesday, October 17-Friday, October 19, 2001

Attend Wisconsin Catholic Conference Symposium on Ethical Implications of Stem Cell and Related Technologies, Marquette University, Milwaukee

Saturday, October 20 - Monday, October 22, 2001

Attend Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Annual Meeting, St. Joseph Church, Libertyville, Illinois

Tuesday, October 23, 2001

11:00 a.m. -- Preside and Preach at Madison Catholic Woman's Club Day of Renewal, Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, Madison

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

7:15 p.m. -- Attend Board of Trustees Meeting, St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee

Thursday, October 25, 2001

3:00 p.m. -- Preside at Midday Prayer for Vocations, Bishop O'Donnell Holy Name Memorial Chapel, Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, Madison

7:00 p.m. -- Preside and Preach at St. Martin House Volunteer Appreciation Mass, Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, Madison

Schedule of Bishop George O. Wirz

Wednesday, October 17-Friday, October 19, 2001

Attend Wisconsin Catholic Conference Symposium on Ethical Implications of Stem Cell and Related Technologies, Marquette University, Milwaukee

Saturday, October 20, 2001

8:00 p.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, St. Patrick Parish, Hollandale, with Immaculate Conception Parish, Blanchardville, at St. Patrick Parish, Hollandale

Sunday, October 21, 2001

10:00 a.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, St. Joseph Parish, Markesan with St. Mary Parish, Kingston, at St. Joseph Parish, Markesan

Monday, October 22, 2001

4:30 p.m. -- Attend Catholic Charities Board of Directors Meeting, Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, Madison

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

7:00 p.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, St. Jerome Parish, Columbus

Thursday, October 25, 2001

3:00 p.m. -- Attend Midday Prayer for Vocations, Bishop O'Donnell Holy Name Memorial Chapel, Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, Madison

Walk by faith -- Live in love -- Rethink Halloween

As the autumn season continues, the leaves of our trees turn red and golden and fall to the ground and lower temperatures greet us each morning.

photo of Bishop William H. Bullock
The Bishop:
A Herald of Faith

William H. Bullock

We move farther away from the infamous September 11th terrorist attack day in New York City, Washington, D.C. and a hillside in Pennsylvania.

However we cannot -- in fact, we dare not -- move further from its significant influence on our lives. We wake up! While predictions of additional terrorist attacks and possible chemical warfare can make us more suspicious, cautious and jittery about life in the United States, we are resilient people renewed in purpose and we believe in God, in His protection and care.

Buildings crumble, but not our spirit

When these jitters occur and become part of our human condition, how are we to respond? To whom do we respond? To what do we turn?

"just maybe we should turn our 'tricks and treats' to quiet prayer in our homes for peace, for a peaceful solution to terrorism."

The cynics still say, "religion is the 'opium' of the people," it is "pie in the sky." Neither concept assures us a viable way of life. Religion has a strong bearing on who we are. We believe in God. We believe in life. Buildings may crumble but we do not.

Why don't we crumble? -- because Jesus Christ, true God and true man has redeemed us and teaches us to live in love and walk by faith. As we turn to His Holy Word and the promises He made to us, we find truths that guide, strengthen and assure us not only now but eternally.

Human resources are always available to help us cope in behavioral ways, but they offer temporary solutions. What Jesus promised is reliable, eternal and everlasting life. Even death cannot destroy that promise. Christ's words not only assist the human spirit but they are life-giving. They are words of everlasting life.

You and I must learn, through all turmoil, to live by faith and love. This means we believe in God. We believe His truths are divinely revealed. His truths contain that we are His Body, the Church, that we will even in death be brought to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Inner strength

Living then in faith and love allows us in part, even now, to belong to the Kingdom. We were lulled to sleep by a false sense of self-reliance when the World Trade Center and Pentagon crumbled and fell into ruin swiftly before our eyes.

When we woke and realized what happened, we turned to the inner strength that we never thought we had. What an awakening. What an encouraging self-discovery.

But we were able to rely in hope on spiritual values from our Catholic belief. We turned to God to protect us, to protect our nation. We prayed honestly and repeatedly for the light to see what we should learn and do. We will never be the same again as Americans, as Church, because we were shaken, shocked in the deepest sense.

Many started to go to daily Mass. The Most Holy Euch-arist is our deepest joy as Catholic people if we live it in faith and love. Many went to confession. Many gathered with their family to pray. We looked in wonderment at all that was crumbling. We asked God to help us make sense out of it all. We turned to God for grace, for help, for peace in our heart and the world.

Deliver us from evil

The prayer following the Lord's Prayer is a powerful expression of our longing: "Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day. In your mercy keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety, as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. For the kingdom and the power and the glory are yours, now and for ever."

Grant us Peace

"Lord, Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: I leave you peace, my peace I give you. Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom where you live forever and ever. Amen."

God is in control

Our people are hungry for God, for Scripture, for spirituality. May we live our lives in faith and love in a truly incarnational way. God's love is a redeeming love in Christ and out of the ashes of yesterday will arise newness of life. God is in control and does such things.

Let's rethink how we celebrate Halloween

Somehow as I wrote my weekly column the thought occurred to me with the witches, dangling skeletons, laughing toothless jack-o-lanterns and white sheeted ghosts, just maybe we should turn our "tricks and treats" to quiet prayer in our homes for peace, for a peaceful solution to terrorism.

The terrorists have played a cruel, vicious trick on our country and on our families. I keep thinking about the families of those persons who perished in Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon and in the World Trade Center inferno on September 11th and how they must feel.

When you plan your Halloween activities this year, keep in mind the 15,000 children who lost their parent or parents in the September 11th attack and consider adding prayer for them to your celebration and collecting funds or cutting down on expenses and sending those funds to the relief efforts.

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Caminar en fe -- Vivir en amor -- pensemos de nuevo en Halloween

Obispo William H. Bullock
El Obispo:
Un mensaje de fe

William H. Bullock

Continuando en la estación de otoño, las hojas de nuestros árboles se tornan rojas, amarillas, vemos como caen al suelo y la baja temperatura nos recibe en la mañana. Nos movemos al otro extremos del terrible ataque terrorista ocurrido el 11 de septiembre en Nueva York, Washington y en las laderas de Pensilvania. Sin embargo no podemos en efecto, no nos atrevemos a ir hacia delante por la gran influencia que esto tiene en nuestras vidas. Nos despertamos! Mientras que otros posibles ataques terroristas y posibles guerras químicas, nos mantienen en suspenso, precaución y nervios sobre la vida en los Estados Unidos. Somos personas de renovada resistencia y creemos en Dios, en su protección y cuidado.

Hay edificios derrumbados, pero no nuestro espíritu.

Cuando estos nervios se manifiestan y comienzan hacer parte de nuestra condición humana, ¿Cómo podemos responder? ¿ Con quien podemos responder? ¿A qué nos dirigimos? Los cínicos dicen, "la religión es la droga de las personas", esto es "una ilusión" Ninguno de los conceptos nos asegura una manera de vivir estable. La religión tiene una fuerte relación con quien somos. Nosotros creemos en Dios, en la vida. Los edificios pueden que estén derrumbados pero nosotros no.

¿Por qué no nos derrumbaron? porque Jesucristo, verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre nos ha redimido y enseñado a vivir en amor; y a caminar en fe. Así como nos dirigimos a su Santa Palabra y las promesas que él nos ha hecho, nosotros confiamos que nos guié, no de fuerza y seguridad no solo ahora sino por siempre. Las relaciones humanas están siempre disponibles para ayudarnos en nuestro comportamiento, pero nos ofrecen soluciones temporales. La vida eterna siendo lo que Jesús prometió es digno de confianza. Así estemos muertos no pueden destruir esa promesa. Las palabras de Cristo no solo ayuda al espíritu humano sino que nos da vida. Estas son palabras de vida eterna.

Usted y yo debemos aprender, a pesar de todas las confusiones, a vivir en fe y amor. Esto significa creer en Dios. Nosotros creemos en sus divinas revelaciones. Sus verdades nos dicen que somos su Cuerpo, la iglesia, que así estemos muertos nos traerá el reino de los cielos.

Nuestra fuerza interna

Vivir en fe y amor nos permite en parte, así sea ahora, pertenecer al reino de Dios. Estábamos calmadamente dormidos con falso sentido de auto confianza cuando las torres gemelas y el pentágono se vinieron abajo y se convirtieron en ruinas ante nuestros ojos. Cuando nos levantamos y nos dimos cuenta lo que había ocurrido una fuerza interna que nunca pensamos que teníamos salió de nosotros. Qué manera de despertar. Que menara tan alentadora de descubrirlo. Sin embargo contábamos con la esperanza de los valores espirituales de nuestra creencia católica. Nos dirigimos a Dios para que nos protegiera y protegiera nuestra nación. Oramos honesta y repetidamente para que la luz nos diga que deberíamos aprender y hacer. Nunca seremos iguales como americanos, como iglesia, porque fuimos sacudidos y conmocionados en el más profundo sentido de la palabra.

Muchos comenzaron a asistir a misas todos los días. Nuestra Santa comunión es nuestro más profundo regocijo como personas católicas que vivimos en fe y amor. Muchos se confesaron y se reunieron con sus familias para orar. Nosotros miramos con asombro lo que se derrumbó y le pedimos a Dios que nos ayude a entender todo esto. Nos dirigimos a Dios por una gracia, por ayuda, por la paz en nuestros corazones y el mundo.

Líbranos del mal

La oración que sigue después del padrenuestro es una expresión fuerte de nuestro anhelo: "Líbranos de todos los males, Señor, y concédenos la paz en nuestros días, ayúdanos por tu misericordia, vivamos siempre libres de pecados y protegidos de toda perturbación, mientras esperamos la gloriosa venida de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo. Tuyo es el reino, tuyo es el poder y la gloria, por siempre Señor"

La Paz

"Señor Jesucristo que dijiste a tus apóstoles: La paz les dejo, mi paz les doy. No tengas en cuenta nuestros pecados, sino la fe de tu iglesia y, conforme a tu palabra, concédenos la paz y la unidad. Tú que vive y reinas por los siglos de los siglos. Amen"

Dios está en control

Nuestro pueblo está hambriento de Dios, de la Escritura, de la espiritualidad. Que nosotros vivamos nuestra vida en fe, amor y en una forma de encarnación verdadera. El amor de Dios es un amor redimido en Cristo y las cenizas de ayer nos levantaremos de nuevo en la vida. Dios está en control y tales cosas.

Pensemos nuevamente como celebramos Halloween.

Por alguna razón cuando escribí mi artículo semanal un pensamiento vino a mí con brujas, esqueletos colgados y fantasmas entonces tal vez deberíamos poner nuestras "bromas y trucos" en una silenciosa oración en nuestras casas por la paz, por una solución pacifica al terrorismo.

Los terroristas han jugado una cruel y mala broma en nuestro país y a nuestras familias. Todavía pienso en los familiares de aquellas personas que padecieron en Pensilvania, en el Pentágono y en las torres gemelas en el infierno ocurrido el 11 de septiembre y de cómo ellos se deben sentir.

Cuando usted planee las actividades de Halloween este año, mantenga en mente que 15.000 niños perdieron sus padres en el atentado el 11 de septiembre y considere orar por ellos en su celebración recolectando fondos o reduciendo los gastos y enviando dinero a los esfuerzo de ayuda.

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Catholic Identity:

Bishop to offer teaching on variety of topics

By Bishop William H. Bullock

Consistent with our beautifully crafted mission statement for The Catholic Herald weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Madison, I would like to offer some teaching regarding Catholic Identity.

The term has application on many levels, touching many programs, agencies, and schools.

First and primary, Catholic Identity comes from its source: the truths and belief system of the Church. This in turn is usually and primarily done by a declaration in a mission statement that is clearly and inextricably rooted in the Church's teaching.

I will invite others to assist me in this venture as I cover such topics as: What Catholic Identity Is, What It Is Not; Claiming the Name But Not the Complete Truths of the Church; The Difference Between Belief and Practice of Catholic Social Service and Humanitarian Service; and A Spirituality of Catholic Identity.

Sources for true Catholic Identity are: readings, teachings, witnessing, Catholic Radio, Catholic Schools, Social Service, and Religious Education, and the consistent Catholic Ethic of Life. Another topic or two might be: How Do We Ascertain The Truth, and Who Has The Final Say In Determining The Truth Or Practice?

These are but a few interrelated topics that need exploration, examination, and clarification. We have competent sources, persons in our Diocese who can assist. I will enlist some others whose names I will list next week.

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Bishop's Letter

World Mission Sunday Collection

Dear Friends in Christ:

The annual World Mission Sunday collection will be taken October 20 and 21.

The recent horror of terrorism has impacted our lives in many ways. We pray in solidarity for the victims and with their families. We also pray for an end to violence and the lack of charity, which fosters it. We pray too for the peace and understanding which will prevent it.

Recent events have also reminded us of how interrelated we are as one family under God, the creator of all. That has always been the message of missionary efforts. The ministry of the missions is one way the Church lives out the call of Christ to "go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel."

Here at home in the Diocese of Madison, we can personally respond to that call by being witnesses of Christ to others, by praying for the missionaries who represent us throughout the world, and by generously responding to this collection. Your financial gifts will assist priests, religious and laity in reaching out to children, the elderly, refugees, the sick and the orphaned in their needs, and in providing effective religious education which proclaims the hope and peace that only Christ can bring.

Please be generous on this World Mission Sunday. Please also continue to pray for world peace.

Grace, Mercy, and Peace,

Most Reverend William H. Bullock
Bishop of Madison

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